Digital Urban Collective - Mack And Brown - Music, Art & Tech

New! Spotify Music Platform Arrives [VIDEO]

post by KM

spotify apps
Spotify turns its music app into a music platform! Spotify’s new open platform will let developers create third party applications to run on its systema strategy previously adopted by both Apple and Facebook.

By turning Spotify into an open platform, co-founder Daniel Ek will let companies tap into his endless stream of legal music, and further extend the intersection of music and technology.

Take Rolling Stone Magazine. The music institution has partnered with Spotify creating an app that delivers reviews and stories about an artist while you listen to the songs in real time. A Tunewiki app turns any laptop or iPhone into a portable karaoke machine. Meanwhile, an app from creates a playlist of artists similar to the one you’re listening to and imports it straight to your Spotify account.

Spotify, currently in 12 countries, is now out to conquer new territories and win over the 500 million people who currently listen to mostly pirated digital music. To do that, Ek needs to make Spotify a better option than piracy. Opening its platform to independent developers is a big step toward that mission, as Ek wants Spotify to be the soundtrack of the Internet.

"Say hello to Spotify Apps" video preview: