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Kanye West Picking Up After Steve Jobs?

post by KM

kanye west donda west
Kanye West presents DONDA, his new design company named after his mother, the late Dr. Donda West, author of Raising Kanye: Life Lessons from the Mother of a Hip-Hop Superstar.

To kick 2012 off with a bang, the never-lost-for-words West took to Twitter to share his excitement and plans for his latest venture with his near 6 million followers.

According to West, he would like DONDA to pick up where former CEO and co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs left off. Check out the tweet West send out regarding this ambitious idea. (Steve Jobs wins a Grammy)

kanye west tweet donda design
He also went on to mention his interest in designing the MTV Video Music Awards, becoming the creative director for the upcoming Jetsons movie, and releasing 2016 Olympicsa semi sci-fi film project. Here is more of what Kanye had to say on the micro-blogging social network.

I have started a new company and I'm so excited about the name.... it's got the best name ever of all companies of all time!!! The name of the company is DONDA. DONDA is a design company which will galvanize amazing thinkers and put them in a creative space to bounce there dreams and ideas. I am assembling a team of architects, graphic designers, directors musicians, producers, AnRs, writers, publicist, social media experts, app guys, managers, car designers, clothing designers, DJs, video game designers, publishers, tech guys, lawyers, bankers, nutritionists, doctors, scientist,teachers. DONDA will be comprised of over 22 divisions with a goal to make products and experiences that people want and can afford. I want to put creatives in a room together with like minds that are all waaaay doper than me. We want to help simplify and aesthetically improve everything we see hear, touch, taste and feel.

kanye west tweet donda 7 screens

This one of our projects to be released this year called 2016 OLYMPIC's ... It's a semi sic-fi since 2016 is only 4 years away," he continued. "We would also like' to design the MTV awards. We're taking everything 10 steps at a time LOL! We need as many amazing powerful smart talented wealthy people to be involved... Come get on board... don't just sit there... reach out. We can collectively effect the world trough design. We need to pick up where steve jobs left off. When I said wealthy I wanted to point out there are so many billionaires in the world that can come together and help to redesign it. Help education. School systems were designed to turn people into factory workers. Schools should be designed to prep human beings for real life. Instead of kicking kids out of schools for using there iPhones... why not promote it? Allow kids to use search engines to do test like the real WORLD!!! Give kids the amount of test they would have in a year in one day but they have to get everything perfect.

What do you think of the venture? Will DONDA succeed in picking up where Steve Jobs left off? Is it still to early to tell? Sound off in the comments section below. And as always, be sure to share this post and subscribe to our site to get all of our posts via email.

Those interested in assisting Kanye West and his vision can contact the company at