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Barnes & Noble "Nook Audio" OE250 Headphones

post by KM

Nook Audio OE250 Headphones
"Nook Audio" is coming!

The largest book retailer in the United States, Barnes & Noble, is preparing to launch their first set of Nook-branded headphones; the Nook Audio OE250.

Besides the product name, not much else is known about these mysterious headphones at this time. Although, The Digital Reader claims to have insider information regarding the price of the Nook Audio OE250.

According to TDR, "the OE250 is going to cost $50, and there’s also supposed to be an earbud model which will retail for $20." 

Oh, and apparently the "OE" part of these Bose made Nook headphones stands for over ear.

And that's pretty much where the details stop.

No release date has been made available just yet, and the official product page for the Nook Audio OE250 on is quite bare.

Depending on the actual price point, sound quality and durability of these headphones, Barnes & Noble may have a winner on it's hands. These are a logical accessory to their Nook Color and Nook Tablet product lines.

Would you purchase a pair of Nook-branded headphones? Let us know in the comments section below.