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Hip Hop Teaches YouTube's Most Popular Woman [VIDEO]

post by KM

jenna marbles face
Jenna Marbles, the most popular woman on YouTube, continues to deliver her near 3 million subscribers a weekly dose of her patented, unorthodox humor.

I have watched several of Jenna Marbles' videos, and I will admit that I enjoy many of them. I think it's her personality that attracts such a large number of views and in-turn subscribers. She really does a great job at just being Jenna.

What's Trending recently sat down with Jenna "Marbles" Mourey to learn more about how she began making YouTube videos and what it’s like to be the most popular woman on YouTube.

You can watch Jenna's interview here: What Is It Like to Be the Most Popular Woman on YouTube?

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

The reason I decided to write a post about Jenna Marbles is not because she is the most popular woman on YouTube and perhaps will read this and have Kermit give me a shout out. Nope, that's not why at all.

I'm writing this post because Hip Hop is Jenna's favorite genre of music. And apparently Hip Hop has played a very influential role in the life of Jenna Marbles.

She seems to have learned a lot from the culture and the music. Take a look:

Crazy! I know.

If you want to check out more Jenna Marbles videos her YouTube channel is:

What has Hip Hop taught you? Share your story in the comments section below, or answer directly on our new Formspring page.