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Embed Your iPad Into Ion Audio's New Guitar [VIDEO]

post by KM

What do you get when you embed an iPad in a touch-fret guitar? The new Ion Audio Guitar Apprentice that's what. The makers of the iCADE iPad Arcade and Piano Apprentice are back with a new, full-sized guitar that can teach the average Joe how to strum some chords.

The idea behind Guitar Apprentice is to help users learn how to play the guitar in a fun, advanced Guitar Hero-type fashion.

Take a look:

The current version of the guitar is compatible with the iOS GarageBand app for iPad, although Ion Audio does have a custom app for the device in beta. The custom app comes fully-equipped with a light show that works in conjunction with the guitar stringsmeaning every time the right or wrong chord is struck, the strings will light up as indicators. Pretty sweet right? You gotta love music and technology.

Guitar Apprentice will initially launch in the U.S. in July 2012 for $99 (iPad not included of course). Ion Audio also told SlashGear that it has plans for a future UK release as well.

What do think of the device? Does it have the potential to be a hit among novice guitarists? Sound off in the comments section below. And as always, be sure to share this post and subscribe to our site to get all of our posts via email. Rock on.