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Adele Makes Billboard History in 2011

post by KM

British Singer Adele
British female singer, Adele, makes Billboard history. Adele becomes the first female singer to be named Billboard's Top Artist, have the Top Album with 21, and achieve the Top Song with Rolling in the Deep, all within the same year.

In an interview conducted by Billboard, Adele states, "I think one of the things that sets me apart from other artists who have had the same kind of success is that my life isn't speculated about...I'm incredibly private but I'm also incredibly honest, and I think that creates a kind of 'meet in the middle' respectable ground." 

Respectable indeed. Adele's 2011 hit album 21 has been able to reach millions of fans by connecting with them on a deep, emotional level. The CD, which has scored Adele six Grammy nominations, was written following one of the British singer's failed relationship--something we all can relate to. It features several underlying themes including: love, heartache, pain, and life after a breakup.

The Top Song of 2011, Rolling in the Deep earned its No. 1 spot by defeating pop and EDM songs like Katy Perry's E.T. and Firework, LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem, and Pitbull's Give Me Everything.

Commenting on the success of Adele in 2011, editor Tye Comer says, "Her success is really inspiring because it shows that there is still room in the music industry for an artist to make it with true, raw talent...It's not necessarily always about the outrageous outfits or flashy videos, but an amazing voice coupled with the right song still has the ability to turn the ears of millions of people and keep them interested."

As Adele closes the year on an unparalleled high, look for 2012 to be even brighter for British singer. Be sure to tune into the 54th Annual Grammy Awards to see how may trophies she can pickup. The Awards will air on 2/12/2012.