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5 Tips To Enhance The Pinterest Experience

post by KM

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Have you taken an interest in Pinterest yet? You know—Pinterest, the virtual pinboard start-up that's been red hot lately. The one that recently cracked the Top 10 list of social networking sites. The place to share, save and organize all the interesting stuff you discover across the web. The home of inspiration. The curator's playground. The social collection connection—Pinterest. C'mon, I'm sure you've heard of it.

(If for any reason you have not heard of Pinterest, you can learn more about the site at Once you've received your invite and have signed-up for Pinterest, feel free to revisit this post and implement these quick tips to effectively use the site.)

Like any online social destination, there are some key tips and tricks that you can use to create a more engaging experience for yourself and your followers. Pinterest is no different. Here are 5 Tips To Enhance The Pinterest Experience.

Tip 1: Choose the best pinboards and categories

When you submit your pin make sure you choose the best pinboard and category. Why? Because other Pinterest users browse pins by category. If your pin is placed in the right category you'll gain better exposure and reach other users that share your same interests.

Tip 2: Don't forget the description

Every pin has a space for a description. Whether you choose to write a full description, or just a one-liner, always contribute something. Use the description as a place to explain why you're pinning this content, or simply use it to show some of your personality. Keep in mind, when another Pinterest user repins something of yours, your description will repin as well.

Tip 3: Give proper credit

It is always good practice to try and find the original source for any pin you submit. Giving credit to the creator of a particular piece of work is a natural guideline. Wouldn't you like some credit when a Pinterest user pins something you've created? Of course so. Remember to do the same for others.

Tip 4: "Like" some things

"Like" is a great Pinterest feature. When you stumble upon a pin that intrigues you don't hesitate to "Like" it. The things you "Like" will be saved in a list on your profile so you can revisit them at any time, and they will not appear in the feed of your followers.

Tip 5: Set-up notifications

Be sure to visit your Pinterest Settings and select to receive email notifications. Any time someone new follows you, mentions you with the @ character, "Likes" one of your pins, or repins one of your pins, you'll be alerted.

Note: Similar to Twitter, if you want to tag another Pinterest user when you pin something new, simply use the @ character.

If you would like to contribute any tips or tricks that help enhance the Pinterest experience please do so in the comments section below. Have fun pinning. Cheers.

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