Digital Urban Collective - Mack And Brown - Music, Art & Tech

Touch-Free Smartphones and Tablets Coming Soon

post by KM

touch-free electronic devices
Welcome to the touch-free world. Beginning as soon as 2012, consumers well be able to manipulate their various electronic devices via motion control, the BBC reports. Touch-free smartphones, tablets, PCs, TVs, and other devices are just around the corner, thanks in part to Israeli company XTR3D.

Touch-free motion control technology, similar to Microsoft's Kinect, isn't necessarily a new concept. And while XTR3D does follow in the path of Kinect, their touch-free technology happens to be quite different. As the current iteration of Kinect uses a collection of cameras, sensors, and microphones to provide its touch-free experience, XTR3D simply uses 2D cameras (like webcams and the type found in every smartphone) to institute motion control.

When speaking on the advantages of XTR3D's technology, a representative stated,
"it can be installed into any consumer electronics device ... new devices will have the interface embedded in them, with older ones you will be able to download the software from the app store ... our target is to penetrate the market, so it will be something for everyone to try out."
XTR3D, which recently landed an $8 million investment, expects the first touch-free smartphone to arrive in the very near future.

Are you looking forward to owning some touch-free devices? Feel free to share your opinion in the comments section below.