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Top 4 Reasons People Unfriend On Facebook

post by KM

unfriend on facebook
Have you ever been unfriended on Facebook? If you're one of Facebook's 800 million active users touting an average of 130 friends, there is a good chance that you've either unfriended someone or someone has unfriended you.

On the largest social networking site aimed at connecting friends, unfriending on Facebook may be considered the ultimate, virtual insult. But have you ever wondered what causes people to unfriend someone on Facebook? Better yet, have you ever wondered why you may have been unfriended? A new Nielson study may have the answer. Check out Nielson's top four reasons for Facebook unfriending.

1. Offensive comments
2. Not being known very well
3. Selling stuff and/or spamming
4. Depressive updates/comments

Do any of these explain why you unfriend on Facebook? Watch what some anchors from The Daily Buzz and a blogger from PCWorld have to say. Be sure to share your unfriending stories in the comments section below.

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