Digital Urban Collective - Mack And Brown - Music, Art & Tech

Facebook And Music: The New Listen Button

post by KM

facebook and music
Facebook and music get a bit more social with the new Facebook “Listen” button.

The world's largest social network, and new owner of popular photo sharing app Instagram, has included a new feature to band and artist pages--the "Listen" button.

The new button gives Facebook's near billion users an easy way to listen to music directly on the website.

Here's how it works, courtesy of Samantha Murphy over at Mashable:

Located next to the “Like” and “Message” buttons on an artist’s page, the “Listen” button will connect users to the music service they use most frequently and play popular songs from that artist. The first time you click on the button, a prompt from one of the participating services will pop up and ask for you to grant access. Since the music services are apps connected with Facebook Timeline, listening activity will be published to your page while listening.
Do you think you'll listen to your favorite songs on an artist's page via the "Listen" button? Are Facebook and music a no-brainer? Sound off in the comments section below and let us know your thoughts.

The “Listen” button is now available on most artist pages.

ALSO SEE: Facebook Launches New Social DJ Feature