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How To Get Free Studio Time From Converse...Seriously

post by KM

converse Rubber Tracks
Looking for some free studio time? The Converse Rubber Tracks studio has you covered.

Located in Brooklyn, NY, the Converse Rubber Tracks studio will supply you with a full recording session, all the equipment you could possibly need to make great music and a sound engineer to assist in the process, all at no cost!

Crazy, but true.

Check out the FAQs from Converse to learn more:

Will I own the music I record at Converse Rubber Tracks?

Yes. You’ll have the option to give Converse limited rights to your music so we can publish it on and affiliated Converse sites and our presence on social media sites.

How much does it cost?

Nothing. Recording at Converse Rubber Tracks is free.

Will Converse Rubber Tracks supply a sound engineer for my recording session?

Yes, we have a staff of our own qualified sound engineers. If you’re interested in using your own sound engineer or producer—and you’ve been accepted—we can discuss.

Are all genres of music welcome?


What equipment will Converse provide?

There’s too much gear to list here. If you want the full breakdown, send us a note and we’ll shoot the info back to you.

For how long can I reserve Rubber Tracks?

It depends on what you want to accomplish, but the average window of studio time is 1–2 days per band.

How long until I hear if I have studio time?

We’ll get back to you within 30 days of submission of your application. Please remember capacity is limited so we’re not able to accommodate all applicants.

Can I reapply if Converse Rubber Tracks was not able to accommodate me during the application window for which I applied?

Yes. We encourage it.

How many times can I apply?

Demand for time at Converse Rubber Tracks is high, so we’ll be accepting applications in two-month windows. If you do not get accepted in a particular three-month period, you can reapply during the next available window.

What if I can't make my appointment? Can I reschedule?

Yes. Our schedule is very tight, but we will do our best to accommodate rescheduling you.

Do I need a parent or guardian to come with me?

It’s cool if you are under 18 years old, but you’ll need a parent or guardian to come with you.

Can I smoke?

Sorry, you’ll have to take that outside. Converse Rubber Tracks is smoke-free.

As noted in above, there is a two-month window between application and studio time. But if you're a forward thinker and are interested in signing up for some free studio time you can Apply Here.

Crazy, but true.

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